October 08, 2005

Patent Pending

On the way home from the airport, it occurred to me that My Robust Pregnant Wife had been in the car for over an hour and a half, and it had been raining all day, and her bladder is now the size of a styrofoam packing peanut, so I asked if she wanted to stop at Taco Bell and use the restroom.
"No, I'm fine."
"Would you like a taco?" Pregnant women are also hungry a lot. She frowned.
It occurred to me that she's a vegetarian. I added:
"A veggie taco?"
And then, inspiration:
"A veggico?" (Pronounced "ve-hi-co" as in Mehico.) A Mehico veggico. Let's-a-go!

Two english chaps in unflattering clothing clink glasses: "Brilliant!"


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