October 25, 2007

Fathead Costello

I'll give it one thing, my new office is closer to the water fountain, so that's cool.

Speaking of hydration, we're enjoying day two of a long, slow, soaking rain after a record 34 days without. Which was probably easier on My Pregnant Wife not having to bend over to clean mud off the dogs' paws, but bad for the backyard frogs and hydranthias and avocado crops.
Ryan had his 2-year checkup today (complete with -- *sniff* -- shot), and is doing awfully very well. 50th percentile for height (33.75 inches), 80th% for weight (31.2 lbs), and 85th% for head circumference (to put together sentences like "Grandad will get it", recall six separate football referee signals, and know that the California fires on TV are not to be touched ("No, no.") and is developmentally doing everything he's supposed to at this age, except draw a straight line (Ainsley's been busy working on circles and dodecahedrons and such).
Grandad cracked up from Ryan's wordplay and consistent aping of whatever we say, like "Say 'bye-bye grandad'" ("ByeBye!"), "See you in a couple days!" ("Kuppa Days!")
Though we did have an issue tonight when Grandad said "Not you" and Ryan repeated it.
G: "No, you say 'me'."
R: "Say me."
G: "When it's Ryan, you say "Not Me."
R: "Not me."
G: "When it's me, uh, Grandad, you say, 'Not you'."
R: ....
G: "Grandad is 'you'. (Points at Ryan) Ryan is 'me'."
R: (points at Grandad) "Me!"
G: "No, 'me' is you."
I think I saw this skit on vaudeville years ago.


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