December 06, 2007

Oral He


That's just not a word you'd expect your two-year-old to pick up so quickly.
Still amazed at his language skills, though he still has little issues with words brought to you by the letters J, L, and S. And as much as we try to remain serious when we're disciplining him, it just melts your heart to see him with tears streaming down his face and saying through sobbing breaths, "I sozzy."

Entertained at today's staff meeting; the boss asked for pluses and minuses from yetserday's conference, and I told him that they had this amazing crunchy cinna-stick pastry deal. And that I was still recovering from being Nancy Karriganed at the exit turnstile -- I thought the bars were going to open out, away from me, so I walked through briskly, only to have the bars swing down, slamming me on the knee.

...Pterodactyl! Wowie!


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