What a great day Saturday was.
Until Ryan broke the caterpillar.
But before that, Ryan slept through the night, Erin gave Ainsley a good 3.5-hour chunk of rest, and we had a lovely a.m. pile-on session all together in our bed, sun coming up, birds glistening.
After breakfast and lawnmowing, we went to IKEA to shop for a BigBoyBed, in the hopes that we can start to transition Erin into the crib. Someday. The experts say to get a bed once the toddler is old enough to climb out of the crib on his own, but who wants that thunk and broken collar bone on one's conscience? Ryan was ready. Or so he said. He wanted a yellow and orange one. How about no.
Found one we liked, but the kids were cranky after a swedish meatball lunch, so I planned on picking up the big pieces the next day. One last night in the Man-Cub Cage.
Ryan fell asleep around 2:20, and once Erin finally crashed after 3, Ainsley took me up on my year-long suggestion and actually joined me in the hot tub! Whee! A coupla parents listening intently to two baby monitors over the roar of bubbly jets, we were the picture of percolating lazy weekenders. Until I knocked my beer into the water, but what's a little foam between friends?
We even had time afterwards, thanks to two good snoozers, to enjoy a cup of tea and snacks and light chit-chat -- as if we didn't have kids! Free time! Who knew!
We called my Dad and told him that Ryan missed the Coyote lawn ornament he had bogarted (much to Ainsley's delight), so we brought chinese food over and let Erin explore Grandad's house for the first time. In a girlie dress.
Which will take some getting used to.
Enjoyed some backyard ball-kicking and brick-sidewalk-running time, until an unfortunate run-in with a caterpillar
and Ryan's sandal brought the night to a close.
Until Ryan broke the caterpillar.
But before that, Ryan slept through the night, Erin gave Ainsley a good 3.5-hour chunk of rest, and we had a lovely a.m. pile-on session all together in our bed, sun coming up, birds glistening.
After breakfast and lawnmowing, we went to IKEA to shop for a BigBoyBed, in the hopes that we can start to transition Erin into the crib. Someday. The experts say to get a bed once the toddler is old enough to climb out of the crib on his own, but who wants that thunk and broken collar bone on one's conscience? Ryan was ready. Or so he said. He wanted a yellow and orange one. How about no.
Found one we liked, but the kids were cranky after a swedish meatball lunch, so I planned on picking up the big pieces the next day. One last night in the Man-Cub Cage.
Ryan fell asleep around 2:20, and once Erin finally crashed after 3, Ainsley took me up on my year-long suggestion and actually joined me in the hot tub! Whee! A coupla parents listening intently to two baby monitors over the roar of bubbly jets, we were the picture of percolating lazy weekenders. Until I knocked my beer into the water, but what's a little foam between friends?
We even had time afterwards, thanks to two good snoozers, to enjoy a cup of tea and snacks and light chit-chat -- as if we didn't have kids! Free time! Who knew!
We called my Dad and told him that Ryan missed the Coyote lawn ornament he had bogarted (much to Ainsley's delight), so we brought chinese food over and let Erin explore Grandad's house for the first time. In a girlie dress.
Which will take some getting used to.
Enjoyed some backyard ball-kicking and brick-sidewalk-running time, until an unfortunate run-in with a caterpillar
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