April 17, 2008

Today is not April One Seven

Pet Peeve:

We had a horrible thing happen to us on September 11th. Shortening that phrase to "nine-eleven," I'm fine with.

But "nine one one" is a phone number. Not an event. I thought it was just newscasters reading a teleprompter too literally, but I've heard it a bunch of times this week from briefers.

Vexes me.

But not as much as the acronym soup we deal with in the military. There was actually someone from the NCTC CCTG here this week. And we've not only got the CTC, but the CTCC and NCPC. And you can't even shorten it by saying it phonetically, like calling "AFSPC" AF-Space. Or calling an SVTC a "sivvits". There was a popular acronym in use this week that people referred to as the "Hip Pickle." Most fun I had all day.

Sorry. Just bitter that the cleaning lady threw away the water bottle I was going to use at the gym. If it's on the counter, lady, it's mine. If it's in the garbage, it's yours. You owe me a dollar.

And quit making my bed. It's annoying.


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