3:56, the clock read when I woke up. Sweet, I'm thinking. I get to sleep for two more hours. As most of you know, for me, this is the best feeling ever. It's the slumber equivalent of a three-day weekend.
Of course, at 4:02, Ryan starts calling. Doesn't need anything, just "awake." Wanted Mommy. Well, you're getting Daddy, how can I help you?
I was able to leave him a little before 4:30, though he wanted to know where I was going. ("Need to go water a cactus." "Oh okay.")
After my biggest accomplishment at work was deciding that Toyota's next car should be called the "Iota"*, it occurred to me on the way home that my family would like to have a picnic somewhere. So hey why not the front yard. Stopped by Shoppers Food Warehouse, filled eight bins with various sundries from hot and cold food bars, and laid out a raggedy pink painter's blanket under the tree out front where the dogs could watch from the porch. 
Some neighbors stopped to chat, while Ryan raced around with their 2-year-old. I'd never seen Ryan truly run before. It was usually a fast stomp-walk deal, but to see him really tear down the driveway... makes a Dad all proud and stuff.
*Don't buy just one!
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