February 21, 2009


The Pets worshipping at the Box of All Knowledge

Finally got the new computer on-line, after 1) it sitting in the living room for two weeks, 2) needing to talk to "charles" in India for 40 minutes to realize the error on the screen was a simple fix and 3) spending another 30 minutes on the phone with Verizon to realize my stupid fault for not being able to get synced up with the internet.
So here we are, six years after the purchase of our last computer, which, in technology terms, is like buying a Ford Escape Hybrid when your last car was a stegosaurus. So far, it rocks. I mean, you double-click on an icon, and it opens! Like, right away, not twenty-eight minutes later!

Ryan was better the day after my birthday, so whatever he had went away just as quickly, thank goodness. And having a four-day work week was nice, though I worked late the last two days, making me miss my daughter grow six months. It's incredible. Where did my infant go? Now I've got a girl who looks like she even forgets how to crawl, walking this way and that way and in a circle and over yonder. She's learned how to sign "please", blow her nose, and sent text messages to her Aunt Beth.
Okay, not that last one, but it's coming! She's going to be dating soon!
*wheeze* *wheeze*
As it is, I'm the object of her affection; as I say 'bye-bye' to her in the morning, and she waves bye bye back and I say "kisses?" and she walks all the way past the length of the couch, lips tightly together, going "mmmmmm" the whole time, till she catches up to me to stick her forehead against my lips.
And the plus side for her rapid expansion into womanhood is that she's sleeping so much better, we could just about cry. She still gets up anywhere from two to three times a night, but rare are those occasions when it takes longer than a few minutes to get her back down, and usually she stays asleep for four or five hours after her initial nocturnal nursal nightcap.

Meanwhile, we can't even get our son to remember to say please the first time:
"Can I watch 'Mickey Mouse'?" he asks today.
"What's the next word?" I retort.

He's also recently found his knob.
That didn't sound right, let me expand:
He now lets himself out of his bedroom. Nice thing in the morning for Ainsley, as he can come on downstairs when he's ready and she doesn't have to deal with Erin and go get him at the same time, but today when he was supposed to be napping and was all-a-sudden wandering around the house, it was a little unnerving.

Took the Roo back to the vet today to try and figure out if some medication can help her more-frequent dizzy spells (shakes her head, falls over, freaks out), but the doc said it's not really treatable (or diagnosable). No one knows why it happens in older dogs, but it does. Just need to keep her in a safe, quiet environment, the vet says.
He's a funny guy.


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