March 29, 2009


So Ryan dropped a deuce in the kiddie pot.

Wasn't that worth the long wait between posts?

Have a lot on my mind, almost too much to try and catch up on, but if there's one thing I learned last week -- you just need to get back up on that horse. Returned Friday from a whirlwind visit to Texas (and literally, in Abilene, with 40mph winds the standard) where we crammed three weeks of activities into two half days and three megafull ones. Wonderfully successful trip, with a highlight being getting to watch 800 airmen join the USAF after their graduation from Basic Military Training. Goosepimpling hearing the oath yelled back at you in one massive barbaric yawp.
I also enjoyed the flan.

Kids were almost as glad to see me as I was them, and we had a great weekend together, save the few hours Ainsley and I stole away to go see a High School production of "Guys & Dolls" (thanks to Grandparential sitting yet again).
Then this evening, the kerplop du resistance...Ryan runs into the living room holding his Rescue Heroes Police Car, saying "Mommy, mommy, save me!" So I'm thinking some 'bad guy is after him'. But no, it was just the only thing he could think of to get her attention that tonight was the night to practice what we've been preaching since 2005 -- get thee to a pottery! Or something.
One may remember a blog a while ago where Ryan accidentally...let's say..."Pollocked" into his receptacle, begetting premature calls to grandparents, aunts, the media, etc. But this was no paltry sum, no sir. Think the scene in "Jurassic Park" near the Triceratops. If you follow.
My boy.


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