March 06, 2009

Unleash the Fury

Went to my first Washington Capitals hockey game last night, with 75 of my closest work friends and 18,725 others we were less familiar with but who were no less hoping for a romp of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Well O, Canada, if those tables weren't turned. A rather dull defensive struggle (0-0 after two periods) turned into a bit of a rout when the Blue Frozen Mounties scored twice in the third. It got a little exciting near the end, when the Caps scored with about 39 seconds left, but it was one little, too late.
It didn't help that their star player, Alex Ovechkin, had hurt himself with a puck off the ankle the day prior and was scratched from the lineup. So that was a disappointment. For those non-sports enthusiasts out there, it would have been like buying tickets to see Oprah and five months later when you finally get to the studio, it's Mindy Cohn from "Facts of Life."
Oh well. You take the good, you take the bad.
Hell, you take them both.
Still neat to see a professional game, with a much rowdier crowd than the game I saw in Denver 7 years ago. Little surprised to hear 18k people shout "RED" during the National Anthem's "rocket red glare" line ("Rock the Red", the Capitals logo reads), as well as yelling "O" (for "Ovechkin") during the "Say Can You See Where #8 Is Because I Sure As Hell Can't Dammit These Tickets Cost Fifty Bucks" line.
Got home around 11, mind racing, jazzed from the videotronics no doubt, couldn't sleep, which is fine because the boy wakes up crying at 12:40, and then the dogs need to go out at 3:30 and I shoosh them until 3:40 when I figure I may as well get 'em out seeing as Ainsley's up with the other kid (actually zonked out on the nursery chair, but still) and then she comes back to bed at 4:50 and then the alarm goes off at quarter to 6.
So I'm a mite spent. Plus I worked out four days in a row for the first time since I was like 2 or something, so I need to go rest the weary musks.


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