March 14, 2009

It's Training Men

I'm really starting to like the weekends. I love turning off the light next to my son's bed after reading about the never-ending dispute between the north-going Zax and the south-going Zax and telling Ryan I don't have to go to work in the morning.
"Yay!" he inevitably says. In a whisper. Since the sister's already asleep. Good boy.

It's nice he misses me. Thursday my dad came over for dinner and Ryan asked why he wasn't wearing a tie like per usual (he had been at a conference downtown and had gotten out early enough to go home first and change), and Dad said in a few months he wouldn't be wearing ties anymore, because he'd be retired.
"Do you know what retired means, Ryan?" asks Mommy.
"What does it mean?"
"I don't know."
"It means that he won't have to go to work anymore ever!"

Ryan looks at me.
"Are you going to retire, too?"

It's tempting, after a week like this one -- getting awful super duper mega busy, but instead of staying at work late Thursday I printed out a bunch of stuff to take home...then promptly left it on my desk. Still, I was able to e-mail myself some material from my work blackberry, worked until 12:30, slept on the couch, and got up at 4 to drive to work and get stuff done when no one else was around and the phone wasn't ringing off the little gray triangle thing the phone rests on which is not hook shaped in the least bit.

Ainsley told me about a Boy Scout fund raiser at a local school in which a bunch of model train sets would be set up, so I took Ryan and Erin while she ran some errands. I thought it was going to be a bunch of kids with their small sets, but they were more gymnasium-sized dioramas spanning several model zip codes, being run by middle-aged men hovering over electrical boxes. Sadly, for whatever reason, in a bunch of rooms the trains weren't working yet, and most of the railscapes, though intricate and cool-looking, were set up on tables about 4 or 5 feet off the ground. So I got my workout with diaper bag on my back and a kid in each arm to show them the occasionally moving trains. One room did have some Legos and Thomas trainsets set up, so they appreciated those more. Except when I was taking a picture of Ryan and didn't notice Erin had grabbed a Lego dude and placed him down across the tracks to commit suicide for the oncoming train, which subsequently derailed.
Maybe that's why everything was 4 or 5 feet off the ground.


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