April 04, 2009


Erin visited those mean ladies at the clinic with needles the size of number two pencils again, though was able to say thank you ("tenk tink") through large post-immunization tears when said ladies gave her a Dora sticker.

The skinny minnie is in the 25th percentile for weight, despite her affinity for anything on her plate or mommy's or Ryan's or the occasional piece of paper.

This is counterbalanced by the tally wally being in the 100th percentile for height, meaning she is taller than any other 15 and a half month-old child on the planet, which has to be stressful at any dances she goes to.

Otherwise, she's healthy as a clam sandwich.

Speaking of cute brown things, Bailey has actually improved some after taking a couple days' worth of antibiotics, so perhaps this thing is more infection than carcinogen. She may be just having a couple good days, or there's some placebo affect to taking pills, but when I got home yesterday, I was stunned to see her standing erect, head perpendicular to the ground, wagging her tail. Still a little cautious and stumbly, but she did a much better job locating her food bowl and whoofing it all down.

On the flip side, at 9pm and 2:20am she made a horrible gagging noise in the bedroom like she was trying to throw up a windsock.

Our planned neighborhood park Easter Egg Find was postponed a week thanks to yesterday's storms, so we instead took the chicklets to the same mall as last year, where Ryan again behaved marvelously with his friend the freaky bunny while Erin was, well, Erin.


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