January 14, 2008

Grumpipants, Sr.

Erin better be 6' 7" by high school, what with all these growth spurt-feedings. She didn't nap at all between 11:30am and 10pm yesterday, after spending most of the previous night bouncing up and down the stairs between Ainsley (nursing her 'til she fell asleep) and me (keeping her asleep upwards of fourteen seconds). Finally got a good stretch of sleep out of her from 11 to 1, then fell asleep for 4.5 hrs before Ryan woke up at 6.
I was frustrated all night that A couldn't catch a break -- Erin's gas wouldn't let her rest comfortably and the dairy dirigibles were the only things that could soothe her -- and little things were starting to set me off, so I was sent to bed at 9:30 for a much-needed (if guilt-laden) 9 hours of sleep.
I took leave to take Bailey to her lumpectomy and Ryan to his post-cranial beummp audiology test, with a haircut in between. Ryan needed one, too, so that was fun potential -- I thought maybe if he was listening to music through my "hi-pod" earphones, he wouldn't notice the clippers. He seemed intrigued enough by the "mookis" upstairs to give it a shot, but then Ainsley suggested "Cartoon Cuts" -- hey, go to the pros, right?
Only the place was empty, a typical salon only with crayons in the waiting room, neon lights, and two green elephant heads in the back with shower nozzles coming out of their trunks. Then two rows of chairs in front of mirrors. Like any barber shop. But with little TVs. I dunno, I was expecting more -- a giant projector TV playing Bugs Bunny while the kids sit in fire trucks or on the back of zebras while Lathy the Clown makes Towel Animals. Like Chuck E. Cheese with Shears.
As it was, Ryan watched "The Wiggles" and licked the under (less hairy) half of a lemon lollipop, and after some initial tears, he settled down and got a nice & short haircut. Well worth the price, says Mommy.
Ryan's test showed some lack of movement in the right eardrum, perhaps due to some fluid still back there somewhere, so we'll see what ENT says Friday. But we wasted a bunch of time in a small enclosed bunker room seeing if Ryan (on my lap) would turn his head to the left to look at the bear banging his drum or to his right to see the bunny blowing his whistle. (Tip to audiologists: if you're trying to test a 2-yr-old's ability to hear whisper-quiet beeps, don't give him plastic stars to bang together.)
Back home with him only to turn around and pick up Bailey (all better, if still a little loopy, and clean teeth to boot) and get Tomas a distemper shot, then get home to dinner and get a tired napless boy to bed. Erin's been asleep on my chest for 2 hours, so A's getting some sleep (and I'm getting one-handed typing practice). The woman was ridiculously giddy that she'd gotten 3 Straight Hours of sleep last night.
Motherhood's just nuts!


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