February 09, 2008


Dad was brave en
I mean, Dad was nice enough to babysit Ryan today while Ainsley went to a friend's baby shower and I hit the library again for Air War College stuff. I was going to leave at 9:45, but we decided to get another dog instead.
But just for a couple hours. Ainsley corraled a young, friendly Husky wandering around the cul de sac, so she's still got mad dog skillz. Props to her.
After leaving a message at the number on his collar, and an unanswered knock at his house (the next street over), we called Animal Control to come pick him up. He hanged in the garage, since when I brought him in to show Ryan, Tomas made it quite clear that he did not approve.
Dude sounded like a police siren.
The County rep got here pretty quickly, allowing us to get on with our day. Assuming that learning Maj Gen Lorenz's 13 leadership principles is how you want to spend your free time.
After a long day in the car, Erin actually went to sleep around 7:30, allowing me to put Ryan down while Ainsley got some much-needed sleep.
Well, until 11:45, anyway.


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