February 10, 2008

Maj. Mom

Erin, the shuttlecock in the badminton game that is weekend parenthood, was handed back and forth from wakey-wake time (0650, thanks to Ryan) through breakfast, then finally I nabbed that hot potato a little after 9 while Ainsley cleaned up my pancake explosion.
For whatever reason (though having nursed since 2 a.m. might have helped), she fell asleep in my arms around 9:15, so Ainsley quickly got dressed to go out and run some errands, leaving me a full dosage of what we'll tenderly call "Mama's Cans in a Bottle."
Ryan watched "Cars" while I wandered around with Erin, rocking and swaying, until she woke up a little after 10. I changed her diaper, and gave the bottle a shot, and after a little resistance, she slowly drank it in three shifts over the next half-hour, burping breaks inbetween. Miraculously, she fell back asleep, while Ainsley got more errands done in a 2.5-hour period than she had in over a year. I thought she'd up and driven to Ft. Lauderdale, shouting "FREEDOM!!" out her minivan window. But she came back to us.
Erin slept through lunch, and after Ainsley sat a few minutes tapping her feet waiting for the inevitable wake-up howl, I told her to go ahead and catch some Zs. "Maybe I can get an hour," she admitted. Hell, Erin let her have two.
So, all told, Erin was stuck in the craw of my arm for the better part of six hours.
A taste of what Ainsley's every day/every hour life is.
She must never pee ever ever.


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