February 13, 2008

Vote n Slide

Glad I voted early.
The freezing rain hit the metropolitan area around 3:30, turning all the highways into skating rinks and then parking lots. I was able to zip home just underneath all the hazards, but when I got home and threw the family in the minivan to take Ainsley to the polling place, we found the entire block without power. We couldn't even do our traditional post-election supper at IHOP, thanks to some free pancake night and the joint full of college kids.

Weather even forced a 2-hour reporting delay this morning, so I got to go back to bed at 5:36 until Ryan got up at 7 singing "Only One Way to Rock." We all had toast and tea before I left at 8:50. That's the life, lemme tell you.

Still frustrating to come home to an absolutely exhausted homemaker, when there's still so little that I can do to give her an Erin reprive -- as much as me, she hates hearing Erin's curled-back, red-faced screeches almost the moment I take her. I do catch her in good moods from time to time, and she'll often just hang out kickin' and dancin' while I change her diaper. But when you have a night like last night, when A's taking her first shower in 3 days while I'm rocking a crying Erin while going up to see why Ryan's bawling his eyes out in his crib, it's all you can do to wonder why people think procreation is a good idea.

On the other hand, if I hadn't changed jobs last fall, tonight I would be spending my first night of 42 straight in sub-zero and family-free Votkinsk, and I cannot even fathom missing the next six weeks of my kids' lives. As much as Erin doesn't seem to quite appreciate me yet, she's really starting to grow on me. And Ainsley blew a heart gasket when she told me I was Ryan's best friend...


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