Clairol of Mass Destruction
Spent the morning making last-minute preps and working budget issues in the boss' absence, before picking up some stuff at Fort Belvoir for tomorrow's ceremony and some stuff at the airport for she's my mother.
Swung her by her hotel (since our guest room now belongs to a two-month-old we're fond of), and when she opened her suitcase to whip out some belated Christmas presents for the "nippaz", she discovered that her pump bottle of hairspray had somewhere between a leak and an exploded all over some of her clothes, some of Erin's, and a lot of Peter Cottontail's butt.
Thankfully she had put the zucchini bread in tupperware, so all was not lost.
Brought everything home to wash, and I prepped a bottle to use while Ainsley quick ran to the grocery store, but Erin fell asleep in the armpit of the warm wool sweater my mom was wearing. So now Nana Knows Shoulder Pain.
Ryan was a little shy/weird at first, but quickly realized she was okay enough to show her his Simba and Mufasa.
Delayed dinner a bit to wait for Grandad, who said he'd be getting off work a little late since he was taking Friday off THE BIG LIAR.
The household was hectic when Dad drove up, me trying to put my uniform together and keep the fire going, Ryan in full hunger/tired/screaming/jumping mode, Ainsley changing diapers, dogs barking. As I was poking logs around, Mom went up to Dad in the kitchen and said, "Aren't you missing someone?"
See, Mom lost her hearing during the Blitz, so she and my Dad usually shout at each other during normal conversation, so her idea of whispering is talking in a normal voice from a foot away, forgetting sound travels and I have the hearing of a teenage lynx.
Now granted, I was distracted in all the hubbubery and had momentarily stopped considering that Tim might be coming for the ceremony despite his stories all year ("So, talk to your first born?" I asked in the car from the airport. "Few days ago." THE BIG LIAR). So when Mom said that to Dad, I wondered what she meant -- missing whom? Had Dad shaved his moustache? Then I heard Griffin barking in a menacing HEY YOU kind of way not a friendly OH IT'S YOU kind of way. a-HA!
And in walks Tim. They'd kept it a secret for weeks, friends who knew didn't spill it, and Mom, bless her, she tries, let it slip with eighteen seconds to spare.
Had a great night sipping wine at a lovely dinner, Ryan using his napkin and folding his hands in front of him between bites THE BIG FAKER just trying to impress. Dad even bought some champagne to toast the big event that I again will remind folks would have been TODAY if it weren't for that extra half-inch in the orbit that forces us to add a stupid 29th to February every quadrannality.